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GPIO Project 4 - Push button (digital/analog)

30 Minuten

In this project you will learn two ways to use a pushbutton:

  1. Digital use: The pushbutton is connected to a GPIO pin of the Raspberry Pi and controls an LED via a Python program.
  2. Analog use: The pushbutton is connected directly to a simple circuit to control an LED, without the need for GPIO or programming.

Digital Push Button

Connection diagram

  1. Connect the push button:
    • One ​​side of the push button:
      • Connect to GPIO 17 (pin 11).
      • Connect to GND (pin 6).
    • The other side of the push button:
      • Connect to 3.3V (pin 1).
  2. Connect the LED:
    • Long leg (anode):
      • Connect this to GPIO 27 (pin 13).
    • Short leg (cathode):
      • Connect toGND (pin 6).

Pinout Reference


Pin #



GPIO 17Pin 11Digital inputPush button
GPIO 27Pin 13Digital outputLED
GNDPin 6Earth (Ground)Push button & LED

Python-code in Thonny

  1. Write the code: Open de Thonny Python IDE and voer the following code in:
from gpiozero import LED, Button
from signal import pause

# LED en drukknop koppelen aan GPIO-pinnen
led = LED(27)       # LED op GPIO 27
button = Button(17) # Drukknop op GPIO 17

# Actie koppelen: LED aan bij knop indrukken
button.when_pressed = led.on
button.when_released = led.off

print("Druk op de knop om de LED te bedienen!")
pause()  # Houd het programma actief

2. Save the file: Click on File > Save As and name the file button_led_digital.py.

3. Run the script: Click on the green Run button (▶) at the top of the Thonny interface.

How does it work?

  • Button(17): Configures GPIO 17 as an input pin for the pushbutton.
  • when_pressed and when_released: Determines what happens when the button is pressed or released.
  • pause() : Keeps the script running until you manually stop it.


  • Press the button: The LED turns on.
  • Release the button: The LED turns off.

Analog Usage

  1. Connect the pushbutton:
    • One ​​side of the pushbutton:
      • Connect to the long leg (anode) of an LED.
    • The other side of the pushbutton:
      • Connect to a 220Ω resistor, and connect the other side of the resistor to +3.3V (pin 1).
  2. Connect the LED:
    • Short leg (cathode) of the LED is directly connected to GND (pin 6).

Pinout Reference




Pin 13.3V PowerOne ​​side of the push button
Pin 6Earth (Ground)LED cathode

How does it work?

  • When you press the pushbutton, you immediately close the circuit between the 3.3V power supply and the LED.
  • This turns on the LED without GPIO or programming.


  • Press the button: The LED turns on.
  • Release the button: The LED turns off.



  1. Expand digital use:
    • Let the LED flash while the button is pressed:
from gpiozero import LED, Button
from time import sleep

led = LED(27)
button = Button(17)

while True:
    if button.is_pressed:

2. Combining analog and digital:

  • Use one pushbutton for the analog circuit and a second pushbutton for digital control via GPIO.